Friday, September 3, 2010

It's All About the Charity

The marathon is only 36 days away.

I have devoted myself to raising money for Children's Memorial Hospital and pledged to raise $600. As of today, I have raised $80 towards my goal. Thank you to my students and co-workers who have donated to Children's Memorial on my behalf.

I still have quite a way to go and I need your help!

Consider what you spend $10 on....

- 1 pizza
- 1 martini
- cab fare
- 2 beers
- take out
- 7 songs on iTunes
- 2 lattes at Starbucks

Now consider what $10 could do for Children's Memorial Hospital....

Please consider making a donation to Children's Memorial Hospital on my behalf. Training has been a long and difficult journey and I am only 36 days away from race day. I've been told that the actual marathon is my victory lap and that all the training is the real challenge.

I am asking that the next time you go to buy a drink or hop in a cab, consider how that money can make a difference to the kids at Children's and how much motivation it would provide me to keep running.

If you would like to donate, please click here. Thank you for your warm heart and kindness.

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