Monday, May 10, 2010

Marathon = Financial Investment

I decided to calculate how much money I have invested as a runner in the 2010 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Here is the breakdown:

- Marathon Registration: $135.00
- Children's Memorial Marathon Team Participant Fee: $35.00
- iPod Armband: $20.00
- Nike Fit Running Shorts: $22.00
- Running Bra: $40.00
- Marathon Training Book by Hal Higdon: $20.00

So far, I've spent approximately $272.00 on the marathon and the official training has yet to even begin. It's amazing how training for a marathon is not only a physical and emotional investment, but you need to be willing to shell out some money in order to get to the finish line. I estimate that my total investment will be around $350 - $400 when it's all said and done. I still need to get some new socks (cotton = the devil), a running watch, sleeveless shirts and other miscellaneous items like power gel.

It's funny to think that I actually pay someone to run, because most people think that's crazy. However, knowing that I've already made a financial commitment is a great motivator! It helps keep me motivated and focused: two keys aspects of training for a marathon.

While I'm on the topic of money, l would like to give a shout out to my friends who have donated to Children's Memorial Hospital on my behalf. THANK YOU to Traci (& Harley), Ray, Julie and Marisa. Of the four people who donated, two of them are students that I work with or used to work with (Ray & Marisa). So far, I've raised $60 of my $600 goal. I am aiming to raise $120 by the end of May: double what I've raised to date.

Please consider donating to Children's Memorial on my behalf. Not only does it encourage me to keep training hard, but the children at the hospital are in need. In 2009, the hospital served children from every state and 36 foreign countries and it is the only hospital in Illinois dedicated to kids. Children's Memorial hospital served more than 140,000 children during 2009.

To learn more about Children's Memorial Hospital, please click think link.

If you would like to donate, please click this link to go to my fundraising website. Thank you for your love and support.

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