Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Feeling the Excitement!!

The theme of this year's marathon is "10 runners, 10 stories, 10 motivations to run". Each runner featured on the official 2010 poster is running for a specific charity. Check out their stories by clicking this awesome link.

The marathon is officially under 2 weeks away... 13 days to be exact! The city of Chicago is starting to erupt with excitement! The downtown area has a ton of 10-10-10 banners and I can't help but snap a picture every time I see one. Here are pictures of the banners on LaSalle Street:

Items on my agenda for the next 10 days:
  • buy new running shorts and a fresh pair of socks
  • test out my charity running shirt
  • buy "toss away clothes" for pre-race warm up (look out for a post about this in the near future)
  • Create a bad ass playlist
  • Find a place to eat/make reservations for a pre-race carbo load dinner
  • Map out locations for my family/friends to cheer at
  • Create a race day plan
  • Ask for more donations to reach my $600 goal for Children's Memorial Hospital (currently at $350)
  • ... and much, much more!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Counting Down

I am in love with this picture! I actually have it hanging in my office because it makes me feel like an athlete. I would love to get this in a larger print to frame, because I think it's just so bad-ass. Did you notice that the lady is made up of footprints?

Now that the marathon is less than one month away, I've started an official countdown (27 more days). Today I set out for a 16 mile run and only ran 14. As usual, it took me the first 3-4 miles to really set my pace and get comfortable (both physically and mentally) with the long run. Once I broke through the mental block, I really settled into the run. I never felt dehydrated and for the most part, I never felt physically exhausted.

In all honesty, I've only ran maybe 3 or 4 times in the past month. This is why I was shocked that I felt so good while running today. I expected to be completely exhausted. I have no idea why I felt so good, but I hope it keeps up over the next few weeks.

Around mile 11 I noticed my fingers were feeling swollen. I was a little worried about it, but I tried not to think about it. When I finished up my run, I noticed my entire left hand was swollen! It was uncomfortable to bend my fingers. I have never experienced anything like this, so when I got home I Googled it. Based on my internet search, the swelling is nothing to be concerned about. Swelling can happen for a variety of reasons; I haven't been able to pinpoint why it happened to me. Meh. I went away about 20 minutes after I finished running.

My goal for my long run next week is to hit 18 miles.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Charity Update!

My last post must have really hit home with folks, because I raised an additional $150 in less than 1 week! As of today, I have raised $230 for Children's Memorial Hospital.

I have specific fundraising deadlines that I must meet (as set by Children's Memorial). I must raise at least $300 by October 1. I am only $70 away from that goal and I hope to raise the money within the next two weeks (September 24). Overall, I have to raise $600 for the hospital, but I have until November 3 to do so.

I'm starting to think of some different fundraising ideas. The obvious one is a bake sale (that hopefully I can do at work). Other than that, I'm a bit stumped. It's tough to come up with creative ideas that don't cost a lot up front/out of my pocket. If you have any low cost and easy to plan fundraising ideas, please send them my way!

Here is a picture of one of several shuttle buses that Children's Memorial Hospital operates. The buses run between the main hospital and the outpatient center and are completely free for families. Parking in one of their garages is also fairly inexpensive. Parking for 24 hours (with validation) is only $5. Children's Memorial understands the financial burden most families are in when they have family in the hospital. It is so wonderful that they can offer such affordable parking for families. On average, parking in a garage in the city of Chicago can range from $15-$50. I see these shuttles on almost a daily basis and smile every time I see one.

Have you donated yet? Every penny counts and makes a huge impact in the lives of the unfortunate.

Friday, September 3, 2010

10-10-10... The date to MOTIVATE!!!

I am currently obsessed with finding anything to keep me motivated. Here are some of my favorite quotes:

"You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face."
Gatorade Ad
"For me, as for so many runners, there really are no finish lines. Runs end; running doesn't."
Dean Karnazes
If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience another life... run a marathon.
Emil Zatopek
Everyone is an athlete. The only difference is that some of us are in training, and some are not.
Dr. George Sheehan

Keep your dream in front of you. Never let it go regardless of how farfetched it might seem.
Hal Higdon

Tough times don't last but tough people do.
A.C. Green

Check out this awesome video that was put out by the Chicago Marathon!!!

Wish me luck on the 18 MILE RUN I have this weekend.

It's All About the Charity

The marathon is only 36 days away.

I have devoted myself to raising money for Children's Memorial Hospital and pledged to raise $600. As of today, I have raised $80 towards my goal. Thank you to my students and co-workers who have donated to Children's Memorial on my behalf.

I still have quite a way to go and I need your help!

Consider what you spend $10 on....

- 1 pizza
- 1 martini
- cab fare
- 2 beers
- take out
- 7 songs on iTunes
- 2 lattes at Starbucks

Now consider what $10 could do for Children's Memorial Hospital....

Please consider making a donation to Children's Memorial Hospital on my behalf. Training has been a long and difficult journey and I am only 36 days away from race day. I've been told that the actual marathon is my victory lap and that all the training is the real challenge.

I am asking that the next time you go to buy a drink or hop in a cab, consider how that money can make a difference to the kids at Children's and how much motivation it would provide me to keep running.

If you would like to donate, please click here. Thank you for your warm heart and kindness.